Mare Nostrum Diving snc
Via San Francesco Al Borgo, snc
Sicilia 90051
Telefono: +393281698697

Welcome to Ustica

Discover the island, go One fin-Shot Beyond and live the Ustica Experience with Mare Nostrum Diving

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Marine Protected Area

Ustica, more than 30 years or marine conservation: discover with us the A, B and C Zones.

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The Aquatic Zone

Plunge into the blue clear waters of the "A" zone, where pelagic species swim

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The Benthic Zone

Where sea life swarms in rocky outcrops, seagrass beds, colourful slopes and vertical walls.

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The Cave Zone

Discover the Dark Side of The Volcano and explore its Underwater Caverns

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Underwater Archaeology

A true underwater museum is waiting for you, plunge into the past of history

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You don't need to be a scuba diver to encounter aquatic life. Discover the underwater world as simple as snorkeling

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On land

Explore the Green Side of the island, it's worth to stay dry for.

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